

School of Medicine
About Us

The School of Medicine offers a 6-year medical program leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The 6-year medical education includes 2-year premedical courses, 2-year basic medicine courses, and 2-year clinical medicine courses. After completing all required courses and training, there are two years of post-graduate clinical rotation internships are required at accredited hospitals.

The School

The unique of this school is to provide students an environment to embrace the world of medical sciences and prepare them a clinical career to devote to the world.

Mentor system for both pre-med and clinical studies

A mentor will be assigned to every student at the day one when entering this school, and the mentor will assist students’ education from freshman year to year four at university campus to receive pre-med courses. Starting from year five, a clinical mentor will be appointed to help students to adapt clinical training in the last two years of their MD program. Both mentors provide students’ academic supports, personal advices, and preparation for future career developments.

Meet professor

Other than mentor system, students in their freshman year will be arranged to meet a clinical faculty as their real model to lead them for a future medicine career. These clinical faculty members will share them with their clinical experience, and how to prepare to be a good doctor in the future.

Academic opportunities for students

For those students who would like to pursue a dual role in both clinical medicine and basic medical sciences, this school also provides opportunities for those prospects to participate clinical or basic research trainings as their extracurricular activities. There are a variety of research projects available for students to fulfill their dreams to be physician scientists as their future career. In collaboration with National Chung Shin University, this school also encourage our students with multiple education and explore their learnings on humanity and liberal art during their way to be competent physicians. A joint program in Law is established and available for those qualified students to prepare themselves a dual (medicine/law) degree for their future careers.

Our missions

The School of Medicine at Chung Shan Medical University is dedicated to the education of physicians and scientists in all of the disciplines of medicine and biomedical research to prepare their future career developments.

Our mission is to nurture our medical students to become leading medical professionals to meet enormous challenges ahead of their careers. Graduates should have a firm foundation of basic and clinical training, compassion, humaneness as well as enthusiasm for lifelong learning. To be more concrete, graduates should have six core competencies:

(1) A sound basic science and clinical medical knowledge

(2) Providing good patient care and emphasizing patient safety

(3) Learning and improving from clinical practices

(4) Being skillful on communications to build a good doctor-patient relationship

(5) Refining humanities and professionalism

(6) Collaborating with peers and practicing system-based medicine

Faculty profile

Please refer to faculty profile link.




